Charity and Philanthropy
Each of our events feature a Charity Spotlight where we highlight a local non-profit that is making an impact in the community. Our event sponsors can work with LXG to recommend a local charity for the Charity Spotlight during an event.
Patriot PAWS
The mission of Patriot PAWS is to train and provide service dogs of the highest quality at no cost to disabled American veterans and others with mobile disabilities in order to help restore their physical and emotional independence. Patriot PAWS intends to build partnerships with state and community organizations to help develop and support this goal.

Dallas Zoo
The Dallas Zoo's mission is engaging people and saving wildlife.
This serves as our North Star – our guiding force and the source of our continual motivation to achieve our vision of Creating a Better World for Animals. By providing our guests with real-world opportunities to make memorable connections with wildlife and supplementing their experience with conservation messaging, the Dallas Zoo aims to inspire and empower visitors to take action on behalf of wildlife in Texas and around the world.
Dallas CASA
CASA was founded in 1977, when a Seattle superior court judge, amidst an overwhelmed child welfare system, grew concerned about making decisions on behalf of abused and neglected children in his court without enough information. Judges appoint Dallas CASA volunteers to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children, helping these children gain safe, permanent homes as quickly as possible. Last year more than 1,300 volunteers served more than 3,100 children annually in Dallas County.
Hope Cottage
Since 1918, Hope Cottage has helped more than 30,000 women and their children and placed more than 16,000 children in permanent and loving homes. Hope Cottage Pregnancy and Adoption Center nurtures and builds families through education, counseling and adoption services and supports adoption as a lifelong process by honoring our clients decisions.
Make a Wish
Tens of thousands of volunteers, donors and supporters advance the Make-A-Wish® vision to grant the wish of every child diagnosed with a critical illness. In the United States and its territories, on average, a wish is granted every 34 minutes. We believe a wish experience can be a game-changer. This one belief guides us and inspires us to grant wishes that change the lives of the kids we serve.
Exodus Ministries
Exodus Ministries is a non-denominational Christian organization established in 1985 to serve mothers from all ethnic backgrounds who have demonstrated a willingness to make positive changes in their life. These women are dealing with the residual pain of having been separated from their children for a long period of time and do not have the immediate financial resources to sustain their families. Exodus helps them and their families to become productive members of society by serving their spiritual and physical needs.
Mercury One
Mercury One was founded in 2011 by media personality, entrepreneur, and New York Times best-selling author Glenn Beck. Mercury One stands to restore the human spirit through programs to advance skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary for individuals and communities help themselves with honor through faith, courage through hope, and love through charity as well as assisting our nation’s veterans, providing aid to those in crisis, and rebuilding and restoring the lives of Christians and other persecuted religious minorities.
Kids Matter International
Kids Matter International was founded in 2006 out of Southlake, Texas. Originally called Houses of Hope Texas in affiliation with Houses of Hope International, our focus was supporting a women’s center in Honduras for housing female children who had suffered from abuse. Our goal was to expand the facility into a live-in school for these young women and help break the cycle of abuse..
Toys for Tots
The mission of Marine Toys for Tots Foundation is to raise funds to provide toys to supplement the collections of local Toys for Tots coordinators; defray the costs of conducting annual Toys for Tots campaigns; provide administrative, advisory, financial, logistic and promotional support of local coordinators; provide other support that the Marine Corps, as a federal agency, cannot provide; and conduct public education and information programs, which call the general public to action in support of Toys for Tots.
Camp Esperanza
Camp Esperanza offers kids with cancer a week of camp to play and to explore. Camp allows them the opportunity to discover their new selves with cancer and to realize just how normal they still can be. Campers share stories with others on the journey of fighting cancer while building friendships and encouraging one another in the midst of joy and laughter. Camp Esperanza is a unique summer camp experience for children between the ages of 6 and 15 who currently have cancer or have been treated for cancer at Children’s Medical Center of Dallas. “Esperanza” – the Spanish word for “Hope” – is what Camp Esperanza is all about.
22KILL is a global movement bridging the gap between veterans and civilians to build a community of support. 22KILL works to raise awareness to the suicide epidemic that is plaguing our country, and educate the public on mental health issues such as PTS. 22KILL also serves as a resource for veterans, and continues to build on its network of like-minded organizations to be able to connect veterans with programs and services in their local area. Funds raised through merchandise sales and donations are used to support partnered organizations who offer programs focusing on veteran empowerment, mental health treatment, and therapy/counseling for veterans and their families.
Austin Street Center provides safe shelter and meets the basic needs of the most vulnerable homeless. Founded in 1983, Austin Street Center is an emergency shelter that serves men ages 45 and older and women ages 18 and older. Each person who finds shelter with us is provided a safe place to sleep, showers, clothing, and meals. Once their basic needs are met, they can begin working on other aspects of their lives that will help them transition out of homelessness.

If you would like us to feature your charity at a League of Extraordinary Gentlemen event, please contact an Executive Board member.